God’s Faithful Servants News


“I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!” Isn’t that a line right out of Alice in Wonderland? I’m late in getting my August news letter written! How do the days just keep flying by?

HOT! HOT! HOT! Is what it’s been around here. The corn fields are full of tall browning corn stalks – ready, or almost ready for harvesting; and, the bean fields look lush and taller than usual, as we must have had enough rain earlier in the summer to give them exactly what they needed for nourishment. For someone who as a younger person loved worshipping the sun, I can honestly say that “I’m over it!” I guess it takes this type of weather to get me thinking about the cool crisp feel of Fall and all the wonderful aspects that touch our senses when summer says goodbye and transitions to cooler weather. Our animals must be looking forward to it, too. They have survived, but have all been drawn to the fans we seem to have placed in every coop, barn, and stall on the property.

God continues to work in our lives and demonstrate that we are on the right path with our mission work. The most obvious proof of this can be seen in the generosity of others. Our most pressing need today is for sponsorship for the Hearts a’Fire Charity Event next June 11th. And we feel so blessed to be getting the kind of support we are from local businesses and individuals who believe in what we are doing. Every one of the many businesses we have contacted requesting support has treated us with the utmost respect and many have donated! We promised to include their logos in all our marketing materials, so let me start by placing those here today so we can celebrate their support:

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As noted above, we have also had some very special individuals contribute as sponsors, and some of those have made significant contributions. I won’t identify those people by name, but we do want to offer our heartfelt thanks for their devotion to helping us bring a 1st class day of fundraising events designed to answer the prayers of those in need of mobility both locally and internationally.

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I’ve never wanted to be a door-to-door salesperson! So getting over that mindset has been a little challenging. Going into businesses requesting financial support would not be happening if we didn’t know that God is asking us to give businesses the opportunity to help do His work! And they are! But totally unexpected is what is happening as we go through this step in planning a fundraiser – we are meeting people we never would have met otherwise! They are welcoming people, compassionate people and Christians who are encouraging us and telling us we are doing something good! What a nice feeling to know that we live in an area where people care. Probably, the most rewarding experience we’ve had in August has been meeting Cassie, a client at Horses of Hope and observing her therapeutic riding lesson. Cassie graciously gave us permission to watch her during her lesson. Cassie has Cerebral Palsy and is in a wheelchair. I could only imagine the feeling of being free of the wheelchair when on the horse she rode. I think the horse’s name was Spirit, but don’t hold me to that.

First we were amazed at the wheelchair lift which was secured to the rafters of the barn! The instructor pushed Cassie in her wheelchair up a ramp to a spot right next to where Spirit was stationed, the lift was moved above Cassie and lowered so the instructor and volunteers could help situate her and then lower her into position on the horse. Very smooth!!! And then the one hour lesson began.

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Next we were amazed at how Marge, an occupational therapist and the lead instructor, conducted stretching exercises with Cassie and provided interesting therapy activities for her to do as Spirit provided the vehicle which in itself helps the client with leg & core strength and offers a platform for the client to practice good posture as it improves their balance.

I’ve ridden horses my whole life, and now I know I’ve taken for granted the incredible benefits I’ve gained from that. But watching Cassie on Spirit, I felt God was showing us a way to give His child, Cassie, a special opportunity to connect with a horse emotionally and physically, an experience we wish everyone could have. In my heart, I believe that this meant more to Cassie than it has ever meant to me. She deserves this kind of freedom: freedom to move in sync with the warm blooded, steady and amazing animal she rides.

Horses of Hope is God sent, if you ask us. And we hope to be able to partner with them to offer more people like Cassie this beautiful experience.

Horses of Hope is like God’s Faithful Servants – a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation and if you are interested in helping them offer therapeutic riding lessons to the disabled, I know that what they need most are VOLUNTEERS! You can call them at (620) 674-3458.

On a final note, the most incredible part of going to Cassie’s lesson, was meeting Cassie, a beautiful and joyful young woman, who loves God and who loves participating in all life has to offer her! She inspires us! And we hope to be able to see her again in the near future!

As for Kurt and I, we will continue following God’s lead to make Hearts a’Fire an event to answer the prayers of those in need of mobility! Stay tuned for more information to be included on our website!

As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel to contact us at godsfaithfulservants2@gmail.com!

Praying you have an extraordinary day! May God’s love surround you,




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Our beautiful granddaughters, Lily and Emma, came for their visit the first week of August. We had the best time! Chickens aren’t just farm friends, but they are the BEST toys you can imagine! The girls were the chicken trainers, which meant they spent many an hour in the Silkie pen, chasing, handling, kissing and loving each and every one of the twelve 5 month old Silkies there. I call it “wallering” them! As little girls do, they fell in love with certain special chickens and it was quite an emotional day when they knew they had to leave them.

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Besides playing with the Silkies, we were blessed to have great helpers when it came time to pick up hay out of the field and move the big bales from the pasture to the hay corral! Riding in the pick-up bed and pushing the button to raise and lower the big bales on the spear helped give the girls a REAL farm experience – an experience I seriously doubt many, if any, of their friends in Kansas City have had. They also rode horses; and, just like their cousin Zach, they got to go on a canoe trip at Elk River. We got them Snorkles which came in handy for finding treasures on the bottom of the river. Rock collections ensued, and we went home with more than we took!

And I can’t end this recap without saying there was plenty of POOL TIME!!! Remember? It was HOT!!!

Overall – it was a lazy, fun-filled week that we will remember always, and we’re already looking forward to next summer’s visit!


God’s Faithful Servants News


God’s Faithful Servants News